Safety & Security
Your child’s safety is our #1 priority!
Security Features
Secure Entry: Due to the fact that we put such a high priority on the safety of our children, we allow entry only through the secure, coded front door. This prevents “strangers” from having access to our children. Only enrolled families and staff have codes for entry.
Security Cameras: We have security cameras throughout the entire daycare (excluding bathrooms). The cameras are monitored by administrative staff daily and are never available for public viewing.
Delays & Closings
In the event of a utility outage or an interruption of our normal services, Kingdom Care will have to hold an emergency closure; if this emergency occurs while children are in our care, all parents will be required to pick up their children immediately/keep them home until the emergency has been resolved.
Emergency closures will be posited via WPXI, Class Dojo, and email. Please ensure that you are signed up and able to receive notifications from all the above platforms.
Emergencies & Drills
We plan for the worst and hope for the best, which is why we routinely practice emergency situation drills with the children. Routine drills include:
Evacuation/Fire Drills
Inclement Weather/Shelter-In-Place Drills
Intruder/Lock-Down Drills
As our plans are updated, staff are re-trained and the local first responders receive the most up-to-date copy. Copies of our emergency plans are made available to parents upon enrollment.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Safety
Parking Lot Safety: Children may be outside, in, or near the parking lot during your drop-off or pick-up times. For this reason the speed limit approaching the parking lot is 5 mph, and is strictly enforced.
Drop-Off Procedure: Your child should be checked in for the day with the classroom teacher. Cubbies are provided for your child’s belongings. Please take a moment to walk your child to his/her room. This is an important time to exchange information with your child’s teacher. Please keep in mind that the administration should be notified in writing of significant changes in health or diet.
Pick-Up Procedure: If someone other than the child’s parents are expected to pick-up, they need to be designated in writing by the parents. Photo identification will be required. Without it, your child WILL NOT be released, even if the child knows who the pick-up person is.
Any designated adult will not have a child released to him/her if presumed intoxicated. Staff shall use their best judgment to make this determination and will offer to call other contacts. Kingdom Care Learning Center reserves the right to contact local authorities under these circumstances. Again, the protection of your children is of the utmost importance to us.